Woodpeckers are lovely creatures but they can be a nuisance when they peck on the exterior of your house. They are looking for insects and grubs in the wood, but they can cause damage to homes by poking holes in the exterior wood weakening them over time.
Woodpeckers will typically start by pecking at the siding or fascia boards on your house. If left unchecked, this could lead to holes being created in these surfaces which would allow pests and water into your home. In order to prevent this from happening, you should hire AAAC Wildlife Removal Fort Pierce for woodpecker removal!

Woodpecker Removal Fort Pierce
Woodpeckers love to peck on a home’s siding and fascia boards. Oftentimes, they do not mean to do any damage, they’re just looking for food! However, if left untreated, they can create holes in these surfaces weakening the wood and even allowing water or pests to get into your home!
The good news is that you don’t have to live with this problem! AAAC Wildlife Removal Fort Pierce offers woodpecker removal services to help get rid of these pesky birds. We’ll safely remove the woodpeckers from your property and then repair the damage they’ve caused. After we’re done, you’ll only be left with a beautiful home to live in!
We are proud to offer wildlife removal services to the surrounding areas of Fort Pierce, including Lakewood Park, Indian River Estates, White City, Fort Pierce North, and South.
If you’re having a problem with woodpeckers or any other wildlife, please don’t hesitate to call us! We’ll be happy to help.
Woodpecker Damage
Woodpeckers are incredibly annoying pests that can do a lot of damage to your home with their incessant pecking. Here are some problems homeowners face when woodpeckers are present:
- Holes in the exterior cladding of your home or deck
- Damage to wooden siding, trim, eaves, and roof sheathing
- Woodpecker droppings under your eaves
- Deterioration of wood finishes
- Destruction of solar panels
- Weakened wood can lead to structural damage
- Pest infiltration due to holes in the exterior of your home
- Water seeping into the walls of your home

Why Do Woodpeckers Peck?
Woodpeckers will peck on a home’s exterior in response to one of its 3 basic needs: food, shelter, and drumming. In most cases, woodpeckers are looking for insects and grubs in the wood to eat.
Woodpecker problems can be resolved by identifying the need that is causing them to peck on your home and then eliminating or providing alternatives to that need.
Woodpeckers typically peck at the siding of a home or deck in search of food. They’d usually find insects and their larvae inside tree trunks, but they’ll also look on other wood surfaces.
Woodpeckers will peck on a home’s exterior to create noise, especially during mating season! They’ll drum against the sides of homes and decks as part of their courtship rituals. Making noise is also an effective way to claim a territory.
Woodpeckers may also peck at wood to create a shelter for themselves and their eggs. They’ll look for holes or cracks to make their own homes in, especially if you have an old woodshed on your property that’s not being used anymore!
How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers in Fort Pierce
Once you’ve identified the need that woodpeckers are trying to fulfill, you can take steps to eliminate or provide alternatives that will stop them from pecking on your home. Here are some effective measures you can take:
Remove or change food source
You can eliminate woodpecker damage by getting rid of the grubs or insects that are attracting them to your home. There are a couple of ways you can do this:
- Insect Pest Control – Resolving an insect infestation at home is a great way to eliminate the food source for woodpeckers. You should also check around your home and make sure that there is no standing water anywhere, which can attract mosquitoes or other pests!
- Place a Bird Feeder – Putting a bird feeder in a spot far from your house can help stop woodpeckers from pecking on your home in search of food. A suet or seed bird feeder should be enough to keep the woodpeckers away.

Scare them away with noises, movement, and reflections
Deterrents and repellents like reflective tape, hawk or owl decoys, and motion-activated sprinklers can help scare woodpeckers away.
Here are some common deterrents and repellents you can use:
- Bird scare tape – This is a type of tape that has been designed to scare birds away. It’s usually made of Mylar, and when the sun reflects off it, it creates movement and reflection that scares the birds.
- Bird scare discs – These are plastic or metal discs that you can place high up on your roof. They spin around when the wind blows, which scares away woodpeckers and other birds.
- Hawk or owl decoys – These are fake raptors that you can place around your home to scare woodpeckers away. Woodpeckers however would soon become used to these decoys and they might not be very effective.
- Bird repellent balloons – Another device you can use to scare away woodpeckers are the bird repellent balloons. These are bright-colored balloons with glaring eyes drawn to them. The birds will think that it is a predator and stay away from the area.
- Electronic bird deterrent – This is a device that emits sound and movement, which scares away woodpeckers. The sounds produced are not harmful to the birds, but they will associate the area with danger and stay away.
Cover Wooden Surfaces
You can also cover wooden areas that are very attractive to woodpeckers. This can be done by using nets, deterrent paints, or bird spikes. The only problem is they need to remain up permanently and to some buildings, this might affect curb appeal.

- Deterrent paint – This is a paint that’s been developed to deter birds. These paints contain smelly and foul-tasting substances that birds intensely dislike. Quite effective but only available in certain colors.
- Bird spikes – These are sharp, pointed, needle-like rods that are placed on surfaces to prevent birds from landing and perching. They’re not very attractive but they do the job!
- Woodpecker netting – Bird netting is an effective bird control method that’s been designed to keep birds off your property. It’s an effective barrier that will stop the birds from landing and nesting. The only downside is that it takes a while to install and it’s not very attractive. Most people though prefer them over the damage the woodpeckers can cause.
Provide Woodpeckers Shelter and Food
Because woodpeckers peck because they’re looking for food and shelter so giving the birds alternative places to live or additional food sources can help you get rid of them without resorting to dangerous measures.

Make a birdhouse – If woodpeckers are pecking on your home because they’re searching for an ideal place for nesting, why don’t you just provide the perfect location? You can make and install wooden birdhouses around your property to give the birds a place to live. This strategy works best when used in conjunction with a bird suet feeder. Make sure to put the birdhouse up near where the woodpeckers are pecking.

Bird Suet Feeder – A bird suet feeder is a great way to keep woodpeckers from pecking on your home. The birds will be drawn to the feeder because they love the high-fat, energy-rich food that’s found in suet.
Wildlife Control in Fort Pierce, Florida
The methods and strategies mentioned above are all good ways of controlling woodpeckers, but they might not be effective in all cases. If you still have woodpecker issues after trying these methods, it’s best to call in a professional wildlife removal service.
Woodpeckers are persistent little buggers. They will not stop pecking until they have had their fill of insects and larvae hidden away in your wood. At AAAC Wildlife Removal, we understand this and we know how to get rid of woodpeckers. We’ve been doing it for years! If you have a serious woodpecker problem, give us a call and we’ll solve the issue in no time.
Woodpecker FAQs
Q: How do you stop a woodpecker from pecking on my house?
There are several methods you can use to stop woodpeckers from pecking on your home. You can try using bird repellent balloons, electronic deterrents, cover wooden surfaces with nets or deterrent paint, bird spikes, or woodpecker netting.
Q: Is Woodpecker damage covered by homeowners insurance?
The damage caused by woodpeckers is not usually covered under homeowners insurance. This is because the damage is considered preventable and is part of a home’s normal wear and tear.
Q: What attracts woodpeckers to my house?
Woodpeckers are attracted to your home because of the presence of insects in decaying wood. They will peck away at the wood in your home looking for grubs and larvae to eat.
Call Us Today!
AAAC Wildlife Removal is a premier Fort Pierce wildlife removal company. One of our specialties is Woodpecker removal. We understand how to remove these bothersome birds from your home or business and we’ve got the tools, experience, and knowledge necessary to solve any wildlife problem you may have in Fort Pierce.
Our effective pest control services in Fort Pierce, Florida, can solve any wildlife problem you may be experiencing. Our wildlife management specialists also provide dead animal removal, raccoon removal, bat control, wildlife trapping, critter control, control and removal of nuisance animals, attic restoration services, removal of wildlife pest services, removal of dead animals, wild animal control, animal damage repair, wildlife exclusion, and more.
We provide humane solutions for all of your pest control and animal problems at affordable prices and we back up our services with exceptional customer service. Don’t hesitate to call us today!