What to Do About a Raccoon in a Tree?

Raccoons are a common sight in many areas of the United States. They are often seen at night, trying to find food on our back porches or climbing up trees to get at birds’ nests. Sometimes they can be quite destructive when they’re after something, but other times it seems like they’re just being cute and curious.

A raccoon in a tree can be a bit of a problem. It can use the branches as bridges to your roof, leave harmful feces on your deck, or just become a pest in general.

If you see one climbing up the tree outside of your window, there are some ways to get it down safely without harming it. Read on to learn more about handling a raccoon in a tree.

Why Do Raccoons Climb Trees?

Raccoons climb trees to search for food, escape danger, or simply because they enjoy climbing. They will often use trees as a lookout post from which to survey the surrounding area and see if it’s safe before going down to raid trash cans or steal birdseed or pet food left outside in their territory.

Raccoons also sleep in trees. They will look for a high place that’s out of the way and safe, like an attic or crawl space inside your home or in the crook of trees outside.

Signs of Raccoons in Trees

Besides sightings, there are a number of physical signs that can indicate that you have a raccoon living in your tree.

  • Damage to the tree itself could show where the raccoons has been climbing up and down. Look for smooth bark that looks like it’s been worn away by claws, or branches that have broken off.
  • Raccoons will often mark their territory with urine as well, so you may notice drips of what appears to be water on branches or the bark of your tree.
  • Droppings around the base of the tree or on your roofing are another sign that you have raccoons on your property.
  • You might see some fur on branches, or find tufts of fur on the roof.
  • Tracks near or around the tree are also good indicators that you have a raccoon in your yard. Raccoons often leave tracks like this after they’ve climbed down from the tree to search for food on your property or get back up onto it again.

What Are The Risks Associated With Raccoons in Trees?

Raccoons are carriers of many different types of diseases like rabies, raccoon roundworm, and leptospirosis. These are serious illnesses that can be passed on to humans and pets through raccoon feces or contact with the raccoon’s saliva.


Raccoons on top of trees will leave urine, droppings, hair, mites, and ticks around the tree. The potential for contact with these dangerous materials is what makes the raccoon in a tree such an issue.


Raccoons make quite a ruckus when they’re moving around in trees. They may scratch up the bark, shake branches and leaves, or knock things from above onto your sidewalk below. This noise can be very loud at night if you have neighbors nearby who might not appreciate it as much as you do!

Urine Damage

Raccoons will often mark their territory by urinating on objects around it. Urine stains encourage mold and bacteria growth, especially in warm weather when it can be a problem for you and your family.


Urine and feces around a tree can create a very unpleasant smell that can reach your home and yard. Not only will this make it harder for you to enjoy being outside, but chances are good that your neighbors won’t be too impressed by the stench either!

They’ll use the branches as bridges to your roof

Raccoons often use branches of trees as bridges to your house. It might try to get into your home through an unsecured window or door. Once inside, they can chew through wires and leave a mess behind as well as bring more diseases to you and your family.

They make your pets restless

Raccoons often make pets restless and anxious causing them to constantly howl or whine. This can be very annoying to neighbors and your family and is definitely something you’d like to avoid.

What to Do About Raccoons in Trees?

There are several things that you can do if you find yourself with a raccoon in your tree. Here are some of the best ways to handle a raccoon in your yard or on top of a tree near your home.

Pick Up After Pets

Raccoons are drawn to areas where they can find food, and pet food left outside is an easy target for them. Keeping up with picking up after pets will reduce the chances that you will have a raccoon in your tree. If you already have one, they will usually leave if they can’t find anything they can eat.

Secure Trash Cans and Pet Food

It’s also a good idea to secure trash cans and pet treats so that they cannot be easily accessed by these hungry little creatures. Keeping these items indoors or at least out of sight will keep them away from interested onlookers like raccoons!

Cover Bird Feeders

If you have bird feeders in your yard, cover them when they’re not being used to avoid attracting raccoons that might then climb your trees.

Don’t Feed the Animal

Do not feed raccoons as this will only encourage more visits and put you and your family at risk of coming into contact with the raccoon.

Image of a pet's water bowl

Eliminate Water Sources

Raccoons will often use standing water sources like ponds, pools, or even bird baths to get the water that they need. Eliminating these sorts of things in your yard can cut down on how many raccoons are around and therefore reduce the chances you have one up a tree near your house.

Trim Tree Branches

Raccoons use ornamental trees as denning sites so it’s a good idea to trim any branches that are low enough for them to access. This will make the trees less desirable to them, especially for sleeping.

Use Scare Tactics to Drive Them Away

Motion detecting sprayers and even strobe lights or loud noises are just some of the scare tactics that will deter raccoons from getting into trees and other areas on your property. These usually have limited effects but if used with other deterrents, they can keep raccoons from your trees.

Use Repellants

Repellants are substances that raccoons find unpleasant and can be used to keep them away from certain areas. There are a few different kinds that you can use to repel raccoons but it’s important to remember that using chemicals around your home or on yourself is dangerous so make sure you only use them in places where they won’t harm you or anyone else.

A raccoon repellent combined with electronic deterrents can be a good way to keep raccoons out of your trees and away from your property.

Call a Professional

Raccoons can be quite stubborn and persistent, so it might take a lot of time and effort to make them leave your property. Often, calling a raccoon control professional is the most effective way to get rid of a raccoon in your tree. They will remove your raccoon and make sure it doesn’t come back.

Professional Raccoon Removal

For adult raccoon problems in trees or in homes, AAAC Wildlife Removal is a name you can trust! We have been helping homeowners just like you for many years now. Each of our expert technicians is certified and trained to help make sure your raccoon problem stays away from your home once and for all!

Raccoon Damage Repair

Aside from removing and making sure the raccoons don’t come back, our skilled technicians are also trained to repair any damage they might have caused. This can include repairing holes in your roof, trimming branches, and more!

All our team members are talented and dedicated to providing excellent service to all our customers, so you can be confident that we will do everything in our power to make sure your raccoon problem is resolved as soon as possible!

All of our technicians are fully licensed and insured. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every job we complete for you.

In Summary

Raccoons are mischievous little creatures that are not afraid to try new things – and now and then, they will find themselves on top of a tree. This creates a few issues for homeowners. For instance, raccoons can make noise and leave harmful droppings on the ground. They can even try to get into your home if they find themselves in trees that are near it!

Problems can be averted by following a few basic things. Eliminating food and water sources goes a long way, as does trimming the branches of trees that are in your yard. However, to really make sure the raccoon leaves your yard for good, hiring a professional is the best option! Call AAAC Wildlife Removal today to find out more about our services and how we can help you get rid of that pesky raccoon.

Originally published on https://aaacwildliferemoval.com/blog/raccoons/what-to-do-about-a-raccoon-in-a-tree

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